Focus Areas

Supporting Our Members Across Key Areas of Focus

We champion our industry’s contribution to a flourishing Canada, and help strengthen the economy through providing employment, facilitating investment in and development of real estate, protecting the environment and growing strong urban centres nationwide.

Our members represent all asset classes in Canada – office, industrial, retail, apartment, hotel, senior living – from coast to coast to coast.

Whatever is top of mind for our members becomes top of mind for REALPAC.

Focus Areas

Canadian Advocacy


Working with policy makers to advocate for the Canadian commercial real estate industry.


Financial analysis

Financial Best Practice

Leading the industry by recommending best practices and advocating for standard settings in Canada and internationally.

Financial Best Practices

Research graph


Producing research to inform the current state of the Canadian commercial real estate industry and future trends.


ESG - future facing


Helping our members to become leaders in the Sustainability space, leading to a better Canada for all Canadians.
