Network of the senior most executives of public and private real property companies across Canada.
REALPAC is a network of the senior most executives of public and private real property companies across Canada. Through providing a platform for engagement and collaboration for its members, REALPAC fulfills its mandate of leading the charge on the matters vital to commercial real estate in Canada.

Engaging with highest levels of government, providing members with an opportunity to influence public policy.
REALPAC engages with highest levels of government, providing members with an opportunity to influence public policy. We take a collective position and advance issues with government on behalf of its members at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.

The voice of reason and authority within the Canadian commercial real estate and real property investment community.
REALPAC is the voice of reason and authority within the Canadian commercial real estate and real property investment community. It serves as the primary source of information and direction of the industry in Canada, across all asset classes – office, industrial, retail, apartment, hotel, seniors residential – from coast to coast to coast.
Learn more about joining REALPAC:
Contact: Carolyn Lane
VP, Member Engagement & COO
• (t) 416.642.2700 x223
• clane (at) realpac.ca
Note: Membership in REALPAC is by invitation only. New members may also be nominated by existing members. Membership in REALPAC is held at the corporate level, with companies being represented by the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Executive.