- Limited to member companies that own senior living assets
- 2-3 delegates per company
- Quarterly

Lois Cormack
Spring Living Retirement Communities

Carolyn Lane
VP, Member Engagement & COO
The national industry association dedicated to advancing the long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.
Educating the industry by providing events, conferences, training, research reports, education and educational resources to senior real estate professionals.
The national industry association dedicated to advancing the long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.
Educating the industry by providing events, conferences, training, research reports, education and educational resources to senior real estate professionals.
Ad hoc forum for discussion of issues relevant to seniors and long-term care properties.
The Senior Living Owner Committee provides a forum for discussion of issues relevant to owners of senior living properties.
Lois Cormack
Spring Living Retirement Communities
Carolyn Lane
VP, Member Engagement & COO
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