- Open to all member companies
- Limited to CFOs, or 2-3 of their functional equivalents or an appropriate delegate
- Quarterly

Nancy Anderson
VP Financial Reporting & CFO
The national industry association dedicated to advancing the long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.
Educating the industry by providing events, conferences, training, research reports, education and educational resources to senior real estate professionals.
The national industry association dedicated to advancing the long-term vitality of Canada’s real property sector.
Educating the industry by providing events, conferences, training, research reports, education and educational resources to senior real estate professionals.
Forum for the senior most financial officers at member companies.
The Financial Best Practices Committee provides a forum for the senior most financial officer responsible for all matters related to real property at all member companies, to lead the industry in discussing, developing and recommending best practices in financial reporting in Canada, and to advocate to standard setters in Canada (and regulators, where relevant) and internationally for fair and relevant accounting and financial reporting standards.
Nancy Anderson
VP Financial Reporting & CFO
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